Benchmark Litigation中国很高兴地宣布第二届Benchmark Litigation中国奖的入围名单!

基于最新一期的Benchmark Litigation中国的申报材料,我们遴选出中国六大区域卓越的争议解决律所及律师个人。入围名单是调研团队经过数月分析、研读数百份调研表格、征集数千名客户的推荐意见以及采访数百名律师后得出的结果。有关我们的调研方法和调研标准的更多信息,请点击此处



我们将于2024年6月6日在Benchmark Litigation网站上公布获奖者名单。



资深调研员 沙淼 –

出版人 杨帆 –


Benchmark Litigation China is delighted to announce the shortlist for
the second annual Benchmark Litigation China Awards!

These awards celebrate the leading litigators and most impactful disputes across six core areas in China based upon the information captured in the submission for the latest edition of Benchmark Litigation China. The shortlists are the culmination of months' research, analysing hundreds of submissions, surveying thousands of referees and interviewing hundreds of lawyers. For more on our methodology and research criteria, see here.

To view this year’s shortlist, please click HERE.

All winners will have been judged on innovation, complexity and impact. There will be awards for law firms and disputes stars in each area.

This year's winners are set to be announced online via the Benchmark Litigation website on June 6, 2024.


If you have any questions or for information, please contact: 

Senior Research Analyst Miao Sha –

Publisher Fan Yeung –