10 Gresham Street
London, EC2V 7JD
United Kingdom
Partner: Julian Stait
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Partner: Charles Evans
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Partner: Tom Canning
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Partner: Mona Vaswani
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Partner: Will Charles
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With a global practice of 34 litigation partners and nearly 150 attorneys, Milbank litigators serve as lead counsel in some of the largest, most significant and highest profile disputes in the world. The Firm regularly represents clients in “bet the company” cases ranging from multi-jurisdiction securities litigations to white collar/regulatory investigations to complex disputes involving intellectual property, international arbitration, insurance, mergers and acquisitions, antitrust, and other commercial litigation.
Milbank’s London Litigation & Arbitration team specialises in the resolution of large, high-stakes and complex business and regulatory disputes and investigations. Some of the world’s leading companies, financial institutions and states trust us to handle their most important, complex and sensitive matters in a variety of areas and sectors including, in particular: banking and financial services; competition/antitrust; technology, outsourcing and communications; energy and infrastructure; fraud and asset tracing; insolvency and restructuring; and transportation.
We have extensive experience of litigation before the English Courts (up to and including the Supreme Court), the resolution of complaints, disputes and investigations before a number of regulatory authorities, international arbitration under the auspices of all of the major institutional rules, expert determination and other forms of ADR.
Whilst we pride ourselves on having tried, and won, some of the most significant and high-profile cases in the market, our aim is to partner with our clients in finding tailored and pragmatic solutions which meet and exceed their commercial objectives. We deploy focused, partner-led teams of exceptional lawyers, supported by the latest litigation technology, which means that we deliver real value and exceptional levels of service.
New York
Milbank LLP
55 Hudson Yards
New York, NY US 10001-2163
T +1 212.530.5000
F +1 212.530.5219
Los Angeles
Milbank LLP
2029 Century Park East
33rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA US 90067-3019
T +1 424.386.4000
F +1 213.629.5063
Washington, DC
Milbank LLP
1850 K Street, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC US 20006
T +1 202.835.7500
F +1 202.263.7586
Milbank LLP
10 Gresham Street
London, UK EC2V 7JD
T +44 20.7615.3000
F +44 20.7615.3100
Milbank LLP
Neue Mainzer Straße 74
60311 Frankfurt am Main, DE
T +49 69.71914.3400
F +49 69.71914.3500
Milbank LLP
Maximilianstraße 15
80539 Munich, DE
T +49 89.25559.3600
F +49 89.25559.3700
São Paulo
Milbank LLP
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 4100
5th Floor
04538-132, São Paulo, SP, BR
T +55 11.3927.7700
F +55 11.3927.7777
Milbank LLP
Unit 06, 15th Fl., Tower 2
China Central Place, 79 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing, CN 100025
T +86 10.5969.2700
F +86 10.5969.2707
Hong Kong
Milbank LLP
30/F Alexandra House
18 Chater Road
Central, HK
T +852 2971.4888
F +852 2840.0792
Milbank LLP, Foreign Legal Consultant Office
Level 33, Three IFC
10 Gukjegeumyung-ro, Youngdeungpo-gu
Seoul, KR 07326
T +82 2.6137.2600
F +82 2.6137.2626
Milbank LLP
12 Marina Boulevard
Marina Bay Financial Centre #36-03 Tower 3
Singapore, SG 018982
T +65 6428.2400
F +65 6428.2500
Milbank LLP
21F Midtown Tower
9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku
Tokyo, JP 107-6221
T +81 3.5410.2801
F +81 3.5410.2891