1301 Avenue of the Americas, 32nd Fl
New York, NY 10019
+1 212 729 2024
Litigation Star
Barry Barnett handles his clients’ most challenging business disputes. Peers call him an “incredibly gifted lawyer, “a person of unquestioned integrity,” and “magic in the courtroom.”
Trial Counsel
Barnett’s decades of trial work for both plaintiffs and defendants have made him a master strategist and nimble tactician in complex disputes, and character and experience have rendered him indispensable to clients and invaluable to colleagues. Recognizing his skill with judges and juries, peers elected him to the American College of Trial Lawyers.
Barnett commands a courtroom not with fast talk and flash but with calm, credibility, and wit. He “is the perfect lawyer for bet the company litigation,” said a former client. His live performance before the Supreme Court in Comcast Corp. v. Behrend prompted the Court to withdraw the question on which it had granted review. The judge in a patent trial Barnett’s opening statement the finest he had ever seen. Another told Barnett minutes after a jury returned a favorable verdict against the county’s biggest employer that he was one of the two best trial lawyers he’d ever come across—adding that the other one was dead.
Complete Package
A versatile trial lawyer, Barnett knows how to handle challenging cases from strategic pre-suit planning to affirmance on appeal. He’s tried cases to verdict and then briefed and argued them on appeal, including before the Second, Third, Fifth, and Tenth Circuits, the Supreme Court of Louisiana, and the Supreme Court of the United States.
Barnett often serves on panels and writes about topics like fee arrangements, techniques for streamlining complex litigation, and trials of class actions. He also comments on trends in antitrust and other complex litigation for outlets like NPR, Reuters, Law360, Corporate Counsel, and The Wall Street Journal.
Superb Clients
A wide range of industry leaders have entrusted their critical matters to Barnett, including the ones you see below.
Public Companies:
Private Companies:
Updated Oct 2024