经过详尽的调研,分析了中国地区最具复杂性、创新性的案例,我们很高兴地宣布第二届Benchmark Litigation 中国奖获奖者。入围本身已反映了每家律所和每位律师卓越的表现,以及对日新月异的法律市场作出的贡献。与Legal Media Group下所有法律品牌奖项一样,我们并不关注案件的规模和标的金额,而是旨在庆祝和表彰那些打破常规、具有广泛社会影响力并推动法治建设的律所及个人。

我们深知在每个类别中指定唯一的获奖者是一项具有挑战性的任务,但我们仍然希望在此揭晓Benchmark Litigation 中国第二届获奖者。感谢所有花了大量时间准备详细案件资料的律师事务所,使得我们能够了解市场面貌并甄选出最佳律所及个人。





资深调研员 沙淼 – miao.sha@legalmediagroup.com

出版人 杨帆 – fan.yeung@delinian.com



We are thrilled to announce the latest Benchmark Litigation China awards winners after an exhaustive research process that analysed the most complex and innovative cases from across the region. Being nominated alone reflects each firm’s and lawyer’s impressive performance and contribution to evolving legal landscapes. As with all our Legal Media Group awards, we didn’t focus on size or value, but rather aimed to celebrate and recognise those firms, lawyers and cases that pushed boundaries, had wide social impacts and assisted in shaping jurisprudence.

It was a challenging task for the editorial team to anoint a single winner in each category, but here we are today to reveal Benchmark Litigation China’s 2024 Awards winners. Thank you to all the firms that spent significant time preparing detailed submissions of the casework so that we could understand the nuances and minutiae that helped us come to our conclusions.

Congratulations to all of the 2024 winners! 


Please click here to view the Award Winners


If you have any questions or for information, please contact: 

Senior Research Analyst Miao Sha – miao.sha@legalmediagroup.com

Publisher Fan Yeung – fan.yeung@delinian.com