1000 De La Gauchetière Street West, Suite 900
Montréal, QC, H3B 5H4
+1 514 954 3101
Litigation Star
Partner in Insurance & Tort Liability Group of BLG’s Montréal office. Provides litigation defence services to Canadian and foreign insurers carrying on business in Canada and in the US Practice focuses on professional liability of general and specialized contractors and engineering firms. Represents public and private entities of all sizes and brings specialized knowledge with respect to insurance defence and risk management for professional and financial indemnity and general line programs underwritten in Canada. Often called upon to speak at conferences and actively engages within industry, particularly as a member of the Barreau du Québec. Academic Associate, Insurance Law course, McGill University Faculty of Law. Winner at Client Choice Awards and recognized for exceptional service and prowess in Insurance category in Québec.
Admitted to the Québec Bar in 1994.
Updated April 2024