Jacques Bernier

Baker McKenzie - Ontario


181 Bay St.
Toronto, ON M5J 2T3

+1416 865 6903

Litigation Star



While leading Baker McKenzie's Canadian Tax Practice, Jacques Bernier assists his clients in resolving their Canadian tax controversies and litigating them before the courts. With his vast experience, Jacques handles large, complex and sensitive cases - sometimes "bet the company" cases - often bringing exceptional results to clients. He also provides strategic advice to a number of multinationals in their dealings with the Canadian tax authorities and the relationship partner to many Firm clients meeting their tax needs in Canada and abroad. He is singled out for his transfer pricing expertise and recognized as a leading practitioner in Chambers Global and Euromoney's Guide to the World's Leading Transfer Pricing Advisors, as well as being consistently recommended for corporate tax litigation by Canadian Lexpert Legal Directory. According to Chambers Global, Mr. Bernier is "very determined, pragmatic and knowledgeable" and the "go-to-guy" in Canada. Sources also say: "He's thoughtful, he's calm, he thinks of the entire journey and the objective. He's responsive, very professional and easy to talk to."

Jacques concentrates on tax litigation and representations to the Canadian tax authorities at the federal and provincial levels on a wide range of tax controversies. His most recent involvements include transfer pricing APAs and MAPs, anti-avoidance rules, FAPI, e-commerce issues, permanent establishment and residency issues, GST/HST and provincial sales taxes, SR&ED tax incentives, independent contractor vs. employee status issues, taxable benefits, voluntary disclosures, taxpayer relief and judicial review.

Updated March 2024