Riccardo Del Vecchio

Miller Thomson - Canada


100 New Park Place, Suite 700
Vaughan, ON, L4K 0H9

+1 905 532 6617

Future Star



Rick Del Vecchio practices construction and commercial litigation, with specialized experience in construction-related claims and disputes, real estate litigation, and general debt-recovery and contractual disputes.

Rick provides legal advice and representation with respect to all aspects of construc-tion-related litigation (in both the private and public sectors), such as the preservation and perfection of construction liens and in connection with motions, settlement negoti-ations, mediations, references, statutory adjudications, arbitrations and trials in respect of construction lien claims, surety bond claims, claims for breach of contract and breach of trust, warranty disputes, deficiency claims, negligence claims, and delay claims.

Rick has been involved in proceedings (including trials, references, motions and applications) at various levels of court, including the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (including the Divisional Court), the British Columbia Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal for Ontario, and the Supreme Court of Canada.

Rick has developed expertise in electronic discovery, including planning and implement-ing electronic evidence strategies, and leading and coordinating teams for large scale documentary review and production.

Rick is currently a Specialty Co-Lead for Miller Thomson’s National Construction Lit-igation practice group, and was the National Leader of Miller Thomson’s Construction Litigation Group from 2021-2022.

Rick was named in Benchmark Litigation’s 40 & Under List and Future Star Categories for 2020-2023, and recognized in the 2021 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory (Litigation- Corporate Commercial).

Rick earned a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Windsor and a Bachelor of Arts from York University. He was called to the Ontario Bar in 2008.


Updated April 2024