Today, Benchmark Latin America announces the inaugural 2021 award winners from across the region. With these awards, we aim to recognize the region's most distinguished litigators and arbitration specialists and their firms for their work over the past twelve months. The competition has been fierce and the selection process difficult due to all the excellence the region has to offer. Being nominated also reflects its own share of impressive performance and influence on the legal landscape over the past year.

Latin America is home to many seasoned litigators and trial lawyers who manage specialized practices and remain dedicated to their craft. From South America, to the Caribbean and across Central America, Benchmark is delighted to spotlight these leading firms and lawyers for the first time this year. While the region, like all parts of the world, has faced tremendous obstacles during this challenging year, the ability to make adjustments, perservere, and maintain high-quality services is a true testament to the heart of Latin American culture. And after months of peer review-based research, submission review, independant research and recent casework – we’ve arrived at today.

Ideally, we would have liked to celebrate your achievements with an in-person ceremony, and it is with a touch of sadness that we present our virtual announcement. However, we expect to see you all in your finest at some point in the future.

Congratulations to all of the 2021 winners!




A full PDF list of the Benchmark Latin America Award Winners can be found here.

Follow our LinkedIn and Twitter pages for more awards highlights.






Logos, rosettes and other related images are available on a contract basis as established by our commercial team. For information on how to obtain these images, and for inquiries/requests related to awards/trophies, please contact:


Business Development Manager
George Reeves -


Head of Business Development
Rebecca Synnott -




For guidelines and methodology related to the Benchmark Latin America Research Cycle, see here.

2021 Firm Rankings & Lists are set to be announced in July