Husch Blackwell

United States (National)

4801 Main Street, Suite 1000
Kansas City, MO 64112
United States (National)

Telephone:+1 816 983 8000
Fax:+1 816 983 8080

Key contacts:

Partner: Michael Hargens
Contact this Practitioner

Husch Blackwell’s litigators are active coast to coast, asserting and defending client interests in virtually all types of litigation. We feature more than 300 litigators across more than 20 offices across the United States and are capable of taking on the most complex matters, ranging from bet-the-company cases to large portfolios of litigation spread across multiple jurisdictions. Clients around the world trust us to understand their businesses, their objectives, and their unique ways of working and to develop solutions that are practical, efficient and comprehensive in scope.

The efficiency and effectiveness of our case management capabilities are well attested. Both in 2017, 2018, and 2022, our firm’s Litigation Department was honored by the Association of Corporate Counsel with its prestigious Value Champion award, an accolade that recognizes collaborations that delivered substantial value to client organizations by cutting spending, improving predictability and achieving better legal results. Again in 2020, Husch Blackwell was recognized for its litigation teams’ innovation and design excellence in legal operations by the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC), which chose the firm as a showcase firm for the 2020 Legal Innovation in Operations (LIO) Project designees. Husch Blackwell received the recognition on the basis of its management of a large portfolio of asbestos-related litigation for a client. In the ten months our team handled the portfolio, we posted results that vastly outperformed the client’s prior efforts, including over a 30 percent reduction in legal costs.

Area of practice:

  • Antitrust & Competition
  • Appellate
  • Banking & Finance
  • Capital Markets
  • Class Action Defense
  • Commercial Contracting
  • Construction
  • Consumer Financial Services
  • Corporate
  • Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
  • Education
  • Energy & Natural Resources
  • Environmental
  • ERISA & Employee Benefits
  • Food Systems
  • Government Contracts
  • Healthcare Regulatory
  • Insolvency & Commercial Bankruptcy
  • Insurance
  • Intellectual Property
  • International Trade & Supply Chain 
  • Labor & Employment 
  • Life Sciences 
  • Mergers & Acquisitions 
  • Political Ethics & Election Law 
  • Private Equity 
  • Product Liability & Toxic Torts 
  • Real Estate & Development 
  • Securities & Corporate Governance 
  • Tax 
  • Tax Credits 
  • Trusts & Estates 
  • White Collar, Internal Investigations & Compliance 

Other offices: 

Austin, TX • Boston • Chattanooga, TN • Chicago • Dallas • Denver • Houston • Jefferson City, MO • Los Angeles • Madison, WI • Milwaukee • Minneapolis • Oakland, CA • Omaha, NE • Phoenix • Providence, RI • St. LouisThe Link Virtual Office • Washington, D.C. 

Updated June 2024