James Monteiro Advocates & Solicitors



Dispute resolution

Founded in 2009, dispute resolution-focused firm James Monteiro Advocates & Solicitors has been steadily building out its construction practice through its involvement in projects and offering expert advice on contractual and risk-related matters during the initial stages. The firm regularly acts for a myriad of clients, both domestic and international, in litigation, arbitration, adjudication and settlement negotiations.
Managing partner James P Monteiro specialises in the areas of energy, construction and engineering, including project advisory, risk management and dispute resolution. Vishal V Kumar is another key contact.

In an ongoing case sample, the firm is acting for a steel contractor in a dispute arising out of a mega project located in Kuala Lumpur. Apart from being one of the largest ongoing projects in the country, this dispute will delve into the issue of entitlement to reduce a contractor's payment in a lump-sum contract. Specifically, it will scrutinise the concept of value engineering, which is asserted to not be considered a variation under the contract.

The rest of the clients the firm has advised on remain confidential.