Craig Stanfield

King & Spalding - Texas


1100 Louisiana, Suite 4000
Houston, TX 77002

+1 713 276 7335

Future Star



Craig A. Stanfield is a trial lawyer who prides himself on having deep expertise in his clients' businesses and processes. Craig litigates commercial, product liability, environmental, construction, and insurance recovery cases throughout the United States. Although he advocates for early, efficient case resolution when possible, Craig takes cases to trial when necessary and has first-chair experience at the US state and federal levels, as well as before arbitration panels. His practice covers manufacturing, automotive, energy, construction, aviation, financial services, computer software, and chemical, among others.

Mr. Stanfield’s appellate background also aids him to position cases for favorable resolution on appeal. Craig has litigated appeals in federal and state courts. He has represented clients successfully on direct appeals and original proceedings. In his own pro bono practice, Craig represents students and veterans in First Amendment litigation before courts at all levels, including the US Supreme Court. Craig has also represented those seeking asylum due to government persecution in their home countries.


  • J.D., Washington College of Law, cum laude
  • B.A., Texas A&M University, magna cum laude

Updated Sep 2024